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Finding a research position

Why Should I do Research?

Participating in research can be a great way to gain engineering experience outside of the classroom. Through research you can dive deeper into topics you have already learned about or explore new subjects. At a large research institution, like UIUC, professors are often times working on the cutting edge of the newest technologies, and you could contribute to that. Research also looks very good on your resume and gives a boost with employers and (moreso) graduate schools. Given that most graduate students in engineering do some form of research, starting as an undergraduate can help you decide if graduate school is for you and increase your chances of admission.

Connecting with Research Groups

Who to Contact

Professors lead research groups, so they are ideally who you want to connect with to start your research journey. A good place to start is the main ECE research landing page. Think about what topics interest you, but also consider which topics you have taken the most classes in. Do not forget about professors of your own classes, past and present. They are much more likely to respond to you because you have recently interacted, and they can help connect you with other professors even if they do not have a position. You can try to contact graduate students directly, but they have much lower discoverability than professors.

How to Contact Professors

If you are taking a class with the professor, the best thing to do is talk to them during their office hours. If not, you are going to have to cold email them (it is not recommended to show up to someone's office unannounced). Some important considerations and things to include in an email:

  • Skim some of their recent publications and mention how they interest you ("I noticed your recent work in ____ and I find that topic very interesting..."). Tailor your email to that specific professor, do not just send out a generic email to the whole department.
  • Mention some relevant courses you have taken (ex. ECE342 if you want to research circuits) and your GPA.
  • Attach your resume and unofficial transcript to the email.
  • Keep your email concise

Cold emailing professors is like being on a dating app: many times you will get rejected for things that are simply out of your control. DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED. Stay polite as you might want to reach out to certain professors later as you get more classes under your belt or increase your GPA (Some professors will have GPA or course requirements before you can do research with them). It only takes one professor to say yes to start your research journey.

Research Programs at UIUC

UIUC has programs like PURE and ISUR that can help connect you to research projects and give some formal support and structure to your research. They can be very helpful, but the best way to get your foot into research is still finding professors directly. You are able to more easily build a connection with them, and there is less administrative junk that going through a formal program.

Tips Once You Start Research

  • You will know very little about what is going on. You are only a short time removed from high school, there is no pressure to start making massive contributions to the newest science.
  • Read a lot, and learn as much as you can.
  • Do not feel tied to a research group or professor. Early in your college career you might have to accept whatever professor gives you an opportunity, but you might be able to parlay your knowledge gained and work displayed into a position with a different group. Research is only beneficial if YOU ARE INTERESTED in what is going on.