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Computer Architecture, 6 Semesters

About Me

I'm graduating with a BS in Computer Engineering in Spring 2024 and planning to pursue an MS/PhD at UIUC, focusing on computer architecture. I took a few APs and also qualified to skip the RHET requirement from SAT reading score, which allowed me to graduate in 3 years. I'm out of state, originally from Maryland. I was originally admitted as EE, then switched to CompE around a year in. I took no summer classes and had 1 NIST research internship after freshman year, then 2 IBM chip design internships.

Features of this Schedule

I started out kind of interested in bioengineering and applications of ECE for medical devices and I took quite random classes for my first 2 years. I have a wide range of interests and I think a broad knowledge base isn't necessarily a bad thing if you aren't dead set on a specialization yet. The difficulty of classes and semesters was a steady ramp up, which was a good way to not burn out too fast. The first year of college should be about finding friends and yourself. You need to know what works for you (how you work most efficiently, what you prioritize, what makes you happy, when/how much you like to sleep, etc.) before diving into the real challenging and time consuming classes (ECE 391, ECE 411).


AP Credits and Proficiency Tests

Course Name Credit Hours
RHET105 - Writing and Research 4
CHEM101 - Introductory Chemistry 3
CHEM104 - General Chemistry II 3
CS101 - Intro Computing: Engrg & Sci 3
ECON1-- 3
HIST-- 3
HIST-- 3
MATH220 - Calculus I 5
MATH231 - Calculus II 3
PHYS211 - University Physics: Mechanics 4
PHYS212 - University Physics: Elec & Mag 4
PS101 - Intro to US Gov & Pol 3
RHET-- 3
RHET-- 3
STAT100 - Statistics 3
Total 50

1st Semester, Freshman Year, Fall 2021

Course Name Credit Hours
CHP199 - Special Topics 1
ECE110 - Introduction to Electronics 3
MATH213 - Basic Discrete Mathematics 3
PHYS213 - University Physics: Thermal Physics 2
PHYS214 - University Physics: Quantum Physics 2
ENG100 - Engineering Orientation 0
MATH241H - Calculus III 4
Total 17

DO NOT TAKE HONORS CALC 3 (unless you love math). If you are a James Scholar, just take CHP 199 which satisfies the honors class requirement. I didn't know this and suffered honors calc 3 :( Also, math 213 is a great way to satisfy CS173 without having to first take ECE120/220 or proficiency tests. Thinking back, these were good days and I took the free time I had for granted. Many games of league were played and I was going to the ARC almost every day.


Take the time to meet new people and build strong friendships in your first semester, you'll likely need supportive people to help you throughout the rest of your college years.

2nd Semester, Freshman Year, Spring 2022

Course Name Credit Hours
ECE120 - Introduction to Computing 4
ECE210 - Analog Signal Processing 4
MATH257 - Linear Algebra with Computational Applications 3
MATH285 - Intro Differential Equations 3
Total 14

Relatively light semester, but don't underestimate ECE210. I started course assisting ECE110 in this semester, which was a fun way to get to know more people and play around with breadboard circuits which I enjoyed.

3rd Semester, Sophomore Year, Fall 2022

Course Name Credit Hours
AAS297 - Asian Families in America 3
ECE220 - Computer Systems and Programming 4
ECE313 - Probability with Engineering Applications 3
ECE396 - Honors Project 1 (should've been 3)
ECE486 - Control Systems 4
REL108 - Religion & Society in West I 3
Total 18

AAS 297 is the most chill Gen-Ed you will ever take, great for satisfying U.S Minority Gen-Ed requirement. I got 1 hour of research project for helping build an Android app over the summer (I didn't actually do any work during the semester, it was just "late payment" for the work I did over the summer). The professor approved me for 3 credit hours, but advising didn't give me the full 3 since I would've been overloading :( All the classes I took were relatively light (especially 220), I continued to CA ECE110 and also picked up CAing ECE210 for this semester. I dropped the 210 CAship after 1 semester, however, since grading is boring.

4th Semester, Sophomore Year, Spring 2023

Course Name Credit Hours
CS225 - Data Structures 4
ECE310 - Digital Signal Processing 3
ECE385 - Digital Systems Laboratory 3
ECE414 - Biomedical Instrumentation 3
ECE415 - Biomedical Instrumentation Lab 2
REL110 - World Religions 3
Total 18

Taking ECE414/415 felt like cheating, since it's basically just circuits (110/210) review. Free'est 5 technical credits possible as an ECE major. CS225 was challenging for me, but I felt the MPs get easier as the class went on, and I noticed that I was a legitimately better programmer after the class. 225 and 385 are the first project-based classes you'll encounter and are a good gateway to tougher classes later on. I vividly remember staying up to 11pm to finish a 385 lab and this was the latest I had ever stayed up to finish an assignment. While it was a shock to me back then, I have since had many later nights than that.


Pick a reliable, hard working partner for 385. Don't take 310 if you didn't like 210. I only took it because I thought it would be "useful to know". In retrospect, I don't think you should take a class unless its required or you have a real interest in it.

5th Semester, Junior Year, Fall 2023

Course Name Credit Hours
ECE329 - Fields and Waves I 3
ECE391 - Computer Systems Engineering 4
ECE437 - Sensors and Instrumentation 3
ECE470 - Introduction to Robotics 4
PLPA200 - Plants, Pathology, and People 3
Total 17

PLPA 200 is the easiest way to satisfy advanced comp. Quite a tough semester, had to sacrifice gym and cooking time to clutch straight A/A+s. Cravings is a great place to get a quick, high calorie/dollar lunch on a tight schedule. If you liked 385, you should take 437. I also dropped 110 CA and picked up 385 CA as I enjoyed 385 and thought it was time for a change.

6th Semester, Junior Year, Spring 2024

Course Name Credit Hours
ECE374 - Introduction to Algorithms and Models of Computation 4
ECE425 - Intro to VLSI System Design 3
ECE411 - Computer Organization and Design 4
Total 11

Absolutely pushed my limits, especially since ECE411 and ECE425 were both changed to become much harder for this semester. ECE 411 with Prof. Kumar is notoriously difficult, but I enjoyed the lectures and exams much more than any other class before. He has a unique "open TA" policy, where you can ask the proctors basically anything other than the answer, and they must tell you whatever concept you need. This de-emphasis on memorization and the critical-thinking oriented exam questions felt like a true test of understanding in my opinion. As for the MPs, this was the first semester they mandated a pipelined processor for an MP and an Out of Order processor for the final project. Though it was a difficult semester, I had a strong team and our processor felt like a worthy crowning achievement to end my undergraduate career.

ECE425 is a class I took for usefulness instead of interest. This class teaches you Cadence virtuoso and physical design, which is probably good to know if you want to go into the chip industry, but there are so many easier 3 credit hour technicals.

ECE374 felt like a gened in terms of difficulty and time consumption compared to the other 2. If ECE391 was 4 credit hours, ECE 411 should be 6 and ECE 425 should be 4. At least I saved 6k by underloading. I picked up 220 CA, thinking I would have a light semester, but regretted that commitment later on.

I received provisional admission (>3.9 gpa) for an MS/PhD at UIUC. Since I didn't get into any other schools, I will be starting grad school in Fall 2024.