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ECE 200 (Seminar) is a 0-credit-hour course for ECE majors. It does not satisfy any requirement, but is required for James Scholar students to retain their James Scholar status.

Content Covered

This course aims to develop the interests of students so the content of this course varies from power plant to circuit design of telephone chips. There will be about 11 lectures throughout the semester according to the plan of the department and there will be definitely one or more topics you find you are interested in. Besides, there will be a Town Hall meeting at the last month of the semester in which students can ask questions and make suggestions directly to the administrators of the department. There will also be Undergraduate Symposium at the end of the semester, which is a good chance to learn about skills and topics in undergraduate research.


  • None.

When to Take It

ECE200 is a required course for James Scholar students. James scholar students must take this course once a year. This course can also be registered by a regular student in ECE.

Course Structure

The workload of this course is barely anything. Just come to the Auditorium in ECEB every Wednesday and enjoy the seminars given by alumni or other students. There will be pizza after seminar every time, which is also a good reason to come. Make sure you fill out the little feedback slip they are handing out at the beginning of the seminar. You may not get credit for the course if you are not filling that out and turning it back in before pizza.


There are various lecturers for this course due to the nature of the seminar. The lecturers are from many companies/recruiters invited by the department. Most of them are alumni. The course is run and coordinated by Professor/Advisor Erhan Kudeki.

Course Tips

Just go to lecture and pay attention to the info sessions. They are more for your enrichment as you advance your career and decide which topics you want to pursue.

Life After

ECE200 is held every semester and if you are not sure what you are interested in, it’s always a good chance to come to this course again. James Scholar students have to register for this course once a year. So after ECE200, it will still be ECE200.