CS374A and ECE374B
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There are two independent versions of 374 offered at UIUC, section A and section B. Both fulfill the same requirements and work as prerequisites for the same classes. They however have different lectures, different discussions, different homework and exams, and different grading. Both sections are crosslisted as CS/ECE. The A section is run by the CS department, so we refer to it as CS374A. The B section is taught by professors from the ECE department, so we refer to it as ECE374B.
Both sections cover roughly the same content, with some exceptions. For example only section B covers Push Down Automata, and only A covers Greedy Algorithms.
Most people consider the B section to be less difficult than the A section. One can check the grade disparity to see the actual GPA differences. The A section and B section have different amounts of midterms and different grading policies. Some find the midterm and HW drop policies of section B to be more forgiving. Read both pages to better understand the differences in content and structure.