MATH213 is an introductory level course in discrete math. MATH213 can be taken in place of CS173 and counts as the discrete math prerequisite for CS225. Counts for GenEd Quantitative Reasoning II.
Content Covered
- Sets and Relations
- Functions
- Basic Counting Techniques
- Recurrence Relations
- Graphs and Trees
- Matrix Algebra
Emphasis of class is on algorithms and their efficacy.
The class starts with by introducing students to the basics of Discrete Mathematics and the use of sets in the class. It then moves forward into proof by induction, big O/Omega/Theta notation, discrete probability, and advanced counting. The class is wrapped up by covering relations between sets, graphs, and trees. The sequence of topics is in the professor's discretion and hence the sequence mentioned might not be the exact sequence you follow. It is important to get a good understanding of this material, as it will be seen later in upper-level ECE and CS classes. Sets, recursive relations, big O notation, and proofs are all used in CS225.
The official prerequisite for the course is MATH220 or MATH221 (Calculus I); however this is not a strict requirement as there is virtually no relation between the Calculus and Discrete Mathematics. Students who plan to take this class should however have basic mathematical proficiency.
When to Take It
Electrical Engineers who are taking this class as a tech elective should take MATH213 whenever it fits their schedule best. As the prerequisites for this class does not involve a computer science or programming course, it would be a big power play to take the course early if you want the easiest path to taking CS225 (Data Structures) within two semesters of ECE120 - Introduction to Computing. This is relevant to Computer Engineers as well, as this is a method to bypass needing ECE220 or CS124 credit for CS173.
Course Work
This course is composed of a weekly homework assignment, 10 in-class quizzes, 3 midterm exams, and a final exam. The weekly homework assignments are due at the start of Friday lecture. The majority of time spent outside of the class will be spent on the homework which can take up to 3 to 4 hours to complete depending on the material covered. Exam questions will be very similar to questions assigned for homework. It is to be noted however these policies are subject to change as per your instructor.
Lecturers for Math213 change very often and rarely do they teach the course for consecutive semesters. Past lecturers for the course include J. Rasmussen, H. Bodish, B. Castle, and A. Hardt.
Life After
The main use of MATH213 is as a prerequisite for CS225. Concepts from Basic Discrete Mathematics will be covered and applied in upper level ECE/CS courses. Students who enjoy the course should consider taking CS374 (Intro to Algorithms). However, it is worth noting that CS173 better prepares students for these two CS classes (CS374). For this reason, it is recommended to take CS173 if you desire to go on in these classes and other upperlevel CS classes, but there are plenty of people who persevere through the curriculum regardless. Completing CS225, CS374, and ECE391 (Computer Systems Engineering) or CS241 (Systems Programming) fulfill the prerequisites for almost all CS 400-level classes.
Infamous Topics
- Induction Proofs
- Big-O Analysis
- Set and Graph Theory